A list of symbols used in the map is given. Look carefully and write.
Without the list of symbols could you have read the map?
No, it is not possible to read the map without the list of symbols.
Given below is the picture of a hand. Place your hand on it so that the palm faces the paper. Your thumb and fingers should be placed on those drawn in the picture.
What things are there behind you?
What is there on your right?
What is in front of you?
Guide Ruchira from home to school.
Find the school in the picture. Also, find the way from Ruchira’s home to her school. Now, with a coloured pencil trace the way from Ruchira’s home to her school.
Given below smaller version of the earlier picture. In this, there are symbols in place of pictures. Such a picture is called a map. Identify the symbols and write them.
A list of symbols used in the map is given. Look carefully and write.
How many houses are there on the map?
A list of symbols used in the map is given. Look carefully and write.
How many shops are there on the map?
A list of symbols used in the map is given. Look carefully and write.
What is near the bus stop?
Given below is a list. Make your own signs (symbols). These symbols should be different from the earlier ones. Now place your symbols on the map given below.