Answer the following question:
Explain various types of deposits.
There are two types of deposits.
1) Demand Deposits
i. Current account deposits
ii. Saving accounts deposits
2) Time Deposits
i. Recurring deposits
ii. Fixed deposits
i. Demand deposits: These are the deposits which can be withdrawn as and when demanded i.e. the withdrawal is not timebound. Demand deposits are of following types.
a. Saving account deposits: A savings account caters to the needs of those individuals who wish to save a part of their income and earn interest on the amount saved. Such deposits are payable on demand i.e. such deposits can be withdrawn by the depositor subject to some limitations.
b. Current account deposits: Current account deposits refer to those deposits that provide the deposit or the liberty to withdraw money at any point of time. Generally, current account deposits prove useful for businessmen as they are required to deal with many transactions in a single day. Such deposits do not offer any rates of interest.
ii. Time deposits: These are the deposits which can be withdrawn only after a certain period of time. Unlike demand deposits, they are not payable as and when demanded. These are of two types
a. Recurring deposits: Under this account, the customer deposits a fixed amount periodically up to a certain period. The amount keeps on getting accumulated. An interest is provided on these deposits and the amount can be withdrawn only after the end of a particular period of time.
b. Fixed deposits: Fixed account deposits refer to those deposits that are held for a fixed (specific) period of time (called the maturity period). These deposits cannot be withdrawn before the maturity period. Hence, they are not payable on demand. Also, these deposits are non-cheque able deposits. However, due to the longer lock-in period involved in the fixed account deposits, these deposits involve a higher rate of interest than that earned on the savings account deposits.
Accepting deposits from the public is the................................. function of Commercial Bank.
(secondary / general / primary / incidental)
Explain the primary functions of commercial banks.
Providing safe deposit vault facility is the only general function of commercial banks.
Explain the various types of deposits.
Explain, with reason, whether you Agree or Disagree with the following statement.
Commercial banks provide many general utility services.
How do commercial banks create deposits? Explain.
State whether the following statement is true or false:
Central bank also performs commercial banking business.
Distinguish between the following :
Quantitative and Qualitative measures of credit control.
Give reason or explain the following statement:
Rate of interest on fixed deposit is high.
Explain with reason, whether you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Commercial banks perform agency functions to earn profit.
Write short Answer for the following question:
Explain various types of Bank Deposits ?
Write explanatory note.
Primary functions of commercial bank.
Fill in the blank with appropriate alternatives given in the bracket :
Commercial banks create __________.
State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:
Commercial banks play an important role in economic development.
Write answers in ‘one’ or ‘two’ paras each.
What are the primary functions of commercial banks?
Explain the following concepts or give definitions.
Savings deposits
Define or Explain the concept
Current deposit
Distinguish between:
Central Bank and Commercial Bank
Fill in the blank with appropriate alternatives given below
Deposits from __________ account can be withdrawn without any notice.
Fill in the blank with appropriate alternatives given below
Facility of E-banking is provided through __________
State whether the following statement is True or False.
Credit money is created by the central bank of a country.
State whether the following statement is True or False.
There is no difference between primary deposit and secondary deposit of a commercial bank.
Define explain the following concept.
Fixed deposits
Define explain the following concept.
Cash credit
Give reason or explain the following statement:
Commercial banks provide agency functions to earn profits.
Distinguish between:
Call loans and long term loans
Distinguish between:
Current account and saving account
Write short note on:
E-banking facility
Answer in detail:
Explain the process of credit creation.
Explain the functions of a commercial bank.
The Functions of commercial banks are broadly classified into ______.
Credit creation means.
What is credit creation?
What are the important features of a capitalist economy?
Which of the following points states that the open market operation helps in controlling credit creation?
M3 and M4 are known as ______ money.
Demand deposits include ______
High Powered Money includes ______
Consider the following statements:
- M1 is a broad concept of money.
- M2 is a narrow concept of money.
- M3 includes both M1 and lime deposit of public with the bank.
Which of the following is true with respect to the concept of supply of money?
Kalpana said that Commercial Bank is the controller of credit. Geeta said that the Central Bank is the controller of credit. Bobby said that both the commercial bank and the Central Bank are the controller of credit. Who among them is not correct?
If the total deposits created by commercial banks is 10,000 crores and legal reserve requirements are 10%, the number of initial deposits will be ______
In the present COVID-19 situation, many economists have raised their concerns that the Indian economy may have to face a deflationary situation due to reduced economic activities in the country. Suppose you are a member of the high-powered committee constituted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBl). You have suggested that as the supervisor of commercial banks, ______ (restriction/release) of the money supply be ensured by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Read the following hypothetical case study carefully and answer the questions follow on the basis of the same.
Agricultural Developmental Bank of Pakistan uses the production function approach for measuring bank outputs and costs. A translog cost function is estimated to provide an assessment of the bank's scale and scope efficiency, and to quantify the extent to which its production costs are sensitive to the size and output mix. Results show that the bank enjoys both overall and product-specific economies of scale and, therefore, there exists scope for the bank to expand its operations at a declining average cost. Even though bank branches in all size categories enjoy economies of scale, the extent of such economies is larger for branches operating at a smaller scale of production. This implies that as the bank branches grow larger in size in terms of both loan and deposit accounts, they move closer to attaining increasing returns to a factor. It is also shown that the marginal costs of servicing both loan and deposit accounts decline as bank branches grow larger in size in terms of either the number of loans or the number of deposits. This confirms that branches operating at a larger scale of production have attained greater cost-efficiency in terms of servicing the loan and deposit accounts.
The increasing returns to scale in larger branches is due to ______
Commercial Bank was facing a financial crisis due to the crisis of non-performing assets. It went to the RBI for help. What role will RBI play in such a case?
Identify the correctly matched pair of the items in Column A to that of Column B
Column A | Column B | ||
1 | Money | (a) | Supply of Money |
2 | Commercial Bank | (b) | Store of Value |
3 | Central Bank | (c) | Credit Control |
4 | M4 | (d) | Circulation of Money |
Which of the following statements is not true?
The Narrow concept of money includes ______
It takes Rohan 30 minutes to do an economics assignment and one hour to do a finance assignment. What is the opportunity cost of you doing two economics assignments?
_________ is an institution that accept deposits for lending purposes.