
Explain the trends in atomic radii of d block elements. OR Explain the trend in Atomic radii. - Chemistry



Answer the following

Explain the trends in atomic radii of d block elements.

Explain the trend in Atomic radii.

Answer in Brief


  1. Atomic radii of the elements of the transition series decrease gradually from left to right.
  2. As we move across a transition series from left to right, the nuclear charge increases by one unit at a time.
  3. The last filled electron enters a penultimate (n - 1)d subshell. However, d orbitals in an atom are less penetrating or more diffused and, therefore d electrons offer smaller screening effects.
  4. The result is that effective nuclear charge also increases as the atomic number increases along with a transition series. Hence, the atomic radii gradually decrease across a transition series from left to right.

    Trends in atomic radii of d block elements
Trends in Atomic Properties of the First Transition Series
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Chapter 8: Transition and Inner transition Elements - Long Answer Questions


SCERT Maharashtra Chemistry [English] 12 Standard HSC
Chapter 8 Transition and Inner transition Elements
Long Answer Questions | Q 2.1
Balbharati Chemistry [English] 12 Standard HSC
Chapter 8 Transition and Inner transition Elements
Exercises | Q 3.01 | Page 191


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Select the CORRECT match.

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Sc3+, Ti3+, Fe2+, Cu2+, Co2+

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The following statement is CORRECT EXCEPT:

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