How does frost action cause weathering?
In the middle latitudes, temperature may be above freezing point of water during day time and below freezing point during the night. Water present in the joints and fissures in the rocks gets frozen into ice during the night. Freezing of water results in an expansion in volume and the fissures widened.
It is followed by melting during day time repeatedly. It is called block disintegration because the rock is split into rectangular blocks along the joints. Frost action is most common in tropical regions and in high mountains all the year round.
Distinguish between the following pair:
Weathering and erosion
Give geographical reason:
Human activities affect weathering.
What is gradation? Describe the two processes involved in gradation.
Distinguish between each of the following: Structural plain and Depositional plains.
Define the following term briefly:
Soil texture
Describe how changes of temperature lead to weathering.
How do changing temperature lead to weathering?
Give reasons for the following :
Grassland soils are less acidic than forest soils.
Explain the following terms.
A region is having an annual mean temperature of 5°C and an annual rainfall of 1000 mm. Can you comment upon the weathering and the type with the help of the following questions? Discuss in class.
- Which type of weathering will be dominant here?
- Where will such a region be found?
Which one of the following materials is affected by hydration process?