Draw a labelled diagram for the preparation of CO2 in the laboratory.
Laboratory preparation of carbon dioxide
Name the following:
Mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
Why is sulphuric acid not used for the preparation of carbon dioxide in the laboratory
Write the balanced chemical equation for the preparation of carbon dioxide by:
heating calcium carbonate.
What happens when moist blue litmus paper is placed in a jar containing carbon dioxide?
Fill in the blank:
A mixture of 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide is called .................
Complete the reactions and balance them.
CuO + CO →
Complete the reaction and balance them.
Fe2O2 + CO →
In the laboratory preparation of carbon dioxide by action of a dilute acid on a metallic carbonate give a balanced equation for the preparation.
In the laboratory preparation of carbon dioxide by action of a dilute acid on a metallic carbonate give a reason for:
(i) use of a washer bottle containing cone. H2SO4 in the preparation
(ii) Not collecting the prepared gas over water
(iii) Not using dilute sulphuric acid as a reactant in the preparation.
State the function of cone, sulphuric acid in the laboratory preparation of carbon monoxide from oxalic acid.