Make a list of living creatures in the alphabetical order. You can write more than one beginning with the same letter.
A - Anaconda | N - Nighthawk |
B - Butterfly | O - Ostrich |
C - Crab | P - Penguin |
D - Dog | Q - Quail (Bird) |
E - Elephant | R - Rooster |
F - Frog | S - Sheep |
G - Goat | T - Tiger |
H - Horse | U - Umbrella Cockatoo (Bird) |
I - Iguana (Lizard) | V - Vulture |
J - Jellyfish | W - Whale |
K - Kangaroo | X - Xenopus (Frog) |
L - Lion | Y - Yak |
M - Monkey | Z - Zebra |
Find out 2 hidden words of minimum 4 letters from –
Find out 2 hidden words of minimum 4 letters from –
Prepare a word list of occupations in alphabetical order from the letters A up to T. (You may skip ‘K’ and ‘Q’)
Actor, | Banker, | Carpenter, | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
L | M | N | O | P |
R | S | T |
Arrange the following words in the alphabetical order.
inventions, indisputable, interactions, inequity, institutions, inquisitive, indiscriminately.
Find from the text minimun 8 words related to cultural heritage and make a word register. Arrange them in alphabetical order.
Find out minimum four-lettered words from the given word:
Conversation- ______, ______, ______, ______
Put the words in alphabetical order.
- small, found, lake, centre
- troop, talent, tired, target
Complete the words by using the correct letters:
- slo_ly
- fri_nd
- d_nger
- ma_ch
Put the following words in alphabetical order:
survive, leader, discuss, present
Complete the following words by using correct letters:
- li_ht
- f_cus
- hab_t
- sti_k