
Map Work Find Out About the Route of the Dandi March. On a Map of Gujarat Plot the Line of the March and Mark the Major Towns and Villages that It Passed Along the Route. - History



Map work

Find out about the route of the Dandi March. On  a map of Gujarat plot the line of the march and  mark the major towns and villages that it passed  along the route.



Dandi March was started from Sabarmati Ashram. This Ashram is in Ahmedabad (Gujarat). The route followed from Ahmedabad to Vadodara and from there to Surat. We have used triangle A, B and C to mark the Dandi expedition route.

The Salt Satyagraha a Case Study
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Chapter 13: Mahatma Gandhi And The Nationalist Movement: Civil Disobedience and Beyond - Exercises [Page 375]


NCERT History - Themes in Indian History [English] Class 12
Chapter 13 Mahatma Gandhi And The Nationalist Movement: Civil Disobedience and Beyond
Exercises | Q 10 | Page 375


Answer in 100-150 Words

Why Did the Salt Laws Become an Important Issue of Struggle?

Write a Short Essay (250-300 Words) on the Following:

Why Were the Dialogues at the Round Table Conference Inconclusive?

Where was Gandhi’s Ashram located?

Peasant Satyagraha at Bardoli was hold in ______.

Congress Ministries resigned in ______.

Consider the following events:

  1. Formation of Swaraj Party
  2. Second round Table conference
  3. Arrival of Simon Commission
  4. Gandhi-Irwin Pact

Their correct chronological order is:

Read the following excerpt carefully and answer the question :

On 5 April 1930, Mahatma Gandhi spoke at Dandi: When I left Sabarmati with my companions for this seaside hamlet of Dandi, I was not certain in my mind that we would be allowed to reach this place. Even while I was at Sabarmati there was a rumour that I might be arrested. I had thought that the Government might perhaps let my party come as far as Dandi, but not me certainly. If someone says that this betrays imperfect faith on my part, I shall not deny the charge. That I have reached here is in no small measure due to the power of peace and non-violence: that power is universally felt. The Government may, if it wishes, congratulate itself on acting as it has done, for it could have arrested every one of us. In saying that it did not have the courage to arrest this army of peace, we praise it. It felt ashamed to arrest such an army. He is a civilized man who feels ashamed to do anything which his neighbours would disapprove of. The Government deserves to be congratulated on not arresting us, even if it desisted only from fear of world opinion. Tomorrow we shall break the salt tax law. Whether the Government will tolerate that is a different question. It may not tolerate it, but it deserves congratulation for the patience and forbearance it has displayed in regard to this party. What if I and all the eminent leaders in Gujarat and in the rest of the country are arrested? This movement is based on the faith that when a whole nation is roused and on the march no leader is necessary.

The Dandi March started from: ______

Read the following excerpt carefully and answer the question :

On 5 April 1930, Mahatma Gandhi spoke at Dandi: When I left Sabarmati with my companions for this seaside hamlet of Dandi, I was not certain in my mind that we would be allowed to reach this place. Even while I was at Sabarmati there was a rumour that I might be arrested. I had thought that the Government might perhaps let my party come as far as Dandi, but not me certainly. If someone says that this betrays imperfect faith on my part, I shall not deny the charge. That I have reached here is in no small measure due to the power of peace and non-violence: that power is universally felt. The Government may, if it wishes, congratulate itself on acting as it has done, for it could have arrested every one of us. In saying that it did not have the courage to arrest this army of peace, we praise it. It felt ashamed to arrest such an army. He is a civilized man who feels ashamed to do anything which his neighbours would disapprove of. The Government deserves to be congratulated on not arresting us, even if it desisted only from fear of world opinion. Tomorrow we shall break the salt tax law. Whether the Government will tolerate that is a different question. It may not tolerate it, but it deserves congratulation for the patience and forbearance it has displayed in regard to this party. What if I and all the eminent leaders in Gujarat and in the rest of the country are arrested? This movement is based on the faith that when a whole nation is roused and on the march no leader is necessary.

Why was Gandhiji certain that he would not be allowed to reach Dandi?

Read the following excerpt carefully and answer the question :

On 5 April 1930, Mahatma Gandhi spoke at Dandi: When I left Sabarmati with my companions for this seaside hamlet of Dandi, I was not certain in my mind that we would be allowed to reach this place. Even while I was at Sabarmati there was a rumour that I might be arrested. I had thought that the Government might perhaps let my party come as far as Dandi, but not me certainly. If someone says that this betrays imperfect faith on my part, I shall not deny the charge. That I have reached here is in no small measure due to the power of peace and non-violence: that power is universally felt. The Government may, if it wishes, congratulate itself on acting as it has done, for it could have arrested every one of us. In saying that it did not have the courage to arrest this army of peace, we praise it. It felt ashamed to arrest such an army. He is a civilized man who feels ashamed to do anything which his neighbours would disapprove of. The Government deserves to be congratulated on not arresting us, even if it desisted only from fear of world opinion. Tomorrow we shall break the salt tax law. Whether the Government will tolerate that is a different question. It may not tolerate it, but it deserves congratulation for the patience and forbearance it has displayed in regard to this party. What if I and all the eminent leaders in Gujarat and in the rest of the country are arrested? This movement is based on the faith that when a whole nation is roused and on the march no leader is necessary.

Choose the correct option.

Assertion(A): Gandhi made Salt a symbol of Protest.

Reason(R): Salt was used by Hindus and Muslims, it was used by rich and poor and the rate of tax was very high on salt.

‘Gandhiji had mobilized a wider discontentment against the British rule in the Salt Satyagraha.’ Elucidate the statement with suitable examples

In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi started the Civil Disobedience Movement from

The meeting of Indian and British political leaders during 1930-32 in London has often been referred to as the First, Second and Third Round Table Conferences. It would be incorrect to refer to them as such because:

The Poona Pact which was signed between the British Government and Mahatma Gandhi in 1934 provided for

Consider the following statements:

  1. In the First Round Table Conference, Dr. Ambedkar demanded separate electorates for the depressed classes.
  2. In the Poona Act, special provisions for the representation of the depressed people in the local bodies and civil services were made.
  3. The Indian National Congress did not take part in the Third Round Table Conference.

Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?

Mahatma Gandhi undertook fast unto death in 1932, mainly because

How many days did Gandhi take to complete the Dandi March?

Who were the women who participated in Dandi March?

Who led the Satyagraha movement in Dharasana?

Match the following: 

1. Dharasana Satyagraha a. T Prakasham
2. Mypadu Satyagraha b. M P Nadkarni
3. Ankola Satyagraha c. B Gopal Reddy
4. Merina Beach Satyagraha d. Sarojini Naidu

Select from the codes given below:

The reason for which Simon Commission visited India was ______.

Gandhi-Irwin Pact was singned in ______.

Which of the following was the term of gandhi-lrwin Pact?

Explain the provisions of Irwin-Gandhi pact.

Why was Irwin-Gandhi's pact criticised by the radical nationalists?

On the given political outline map of India mark and label of the follow with appropriate symbol:

The place where Salt Law was broken by Gandhiji.

Assertion (A): Lahore session of Congress in 1929 was significant. 

Reason (R): Proclamation of commitment to 'Poorna Swaraj' or complete independence was passed.



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