
The Excretory Organs in an Earthworm Are: (A) Nephridia (B) Nephrons (C) Raphides (D) Ureters - Science



The excretory organs in an earthworm are:
(a) nephridia
(b) nephrons
(c) raphides
(d) ureters


(a) nephridia
In earthworm, the main excretory organs are nephridia. It functions like a kidney.

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Chapter 1: Life Processes - Exercise 3 [Page 76]


Lakhmir Singh Biology (Science) [English] Class 10
Chapter 1 Life Processes
Exercise 3 | Q 90 | Page 76

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Correct the following statements by changing the underlined words:

The normal pale yellow colour of the urine is due to the presence of the pigment Melanin.

Name an animal which absorbs oxygen through its moist skin.

Define excretion. Name the excretory unit of a kidney.

A dialysis machine contains long tubes coiled in a tank containing dialysing solution Of what substance are the tubes made?

Name the various organs of the human excretory system.

Write True (T) or False (F) for the following statement. Rewrite the false statement in the correct form.   

Excess sugar in the blood is a symptom of diabetes. 

Fill in the blank. 

....................... are present in the stem of pine tree that make the pinewood strong and durable.

Look at the figure given bellow, it is a section of human kidney as seen from the front.  


Is it a longitudinal section or a cross-section?

Choose the correct answer:
Narrow apex of pyramid in kidney is called ___________

Given below is a highly simplified diagram of the human kidney cut open longitudinally. Answer the question that follow:

Why does the cortex of the kidney show a dotted appearance?

Study the diagram given alongside and then answer the question that follow:

Name the stages involved in the formation of urine.

Describe in brief how urine is produced in the human body.

State the Location: Renal pyramids

Write the functional activity of the following structure: Kidney

Choose the Odd One Out:

Choose the correct option.

Visceral layer : Podocytes :: PCT : ________.

Choose the correct option.

The part of nephron which absorbs glucose and amino acid is ______.

The mode of excretion of nitrogenous wastes like ammonia which takes place by simple diffusion is called ______.

Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with vaseline. Will this plant remain healthy for long? Give reasons for your answer.

Identify the correct labels for A and B in the following diagram



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