Bricks, Beads and Bones: the Harappan Civilisation
- Introduction to Harappan Civilisation
- Subsistence Strategies
- Mohenjodaro: a Planned Urban Centre
- Tracking Social Differences
- Finding Out About Craft Production
- Strategies for Procuring Materials
- Seals, Script, Weights
- Ancient Authority
- The End of the Civilisation
- Discovering the Harappan Civilisation
- Problems of Piecing Together the Past
Kings, Farmers and Towns: Early States and Economies
- Prinsep and Piyadassi
- The Earliest States
- An Early Empire
- New Notions of Kingship
- A Changing Countryside
- Towns and Trade
- Back to Basics - How Are Inscriptions Deciphered?
- The Limitations of Inscriptional Evidence
Kinship, Caste and Class: Early Societies
- The Critical Edition of the Mahabharata
- Kinship and Marriage: Many Rules and Varied Practices
- Social Differences: Within and Beyond the Framework of Caste
- Beyond Birth Resources and Status
- Explaining Social Differences: a Social Contract
- Handling Texts Historians and the Mahabharata
- A Dynamic Text
Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings: Cultural Developments
- A Glimpse of Sanchi
- The Background: Sacrifices and Debates
- Beyond Worldly Pleasures: the Message of Mahavira
- The Buddha and the Quest for Enlightenment
- The Teachings of the Buddha
- Followers of the Buddha
- Stupas
- “Discovering” Stupas the Fate of Amaravati and Sanchi
- Sculpture
- New Religious Traditions
- Can We “See” Everything?
Through the Eyes of Travellers: Perceptions of Society
- Al-biruni and the Kitab-ul-hind
- Ibn Battuta’s Rihla
- Francois Bernier - a Doctor with a Difference
- Making Sense of an Alien World Al-biruni and the Sanskritic Tradition
- Ibn Battuta and the Excitement of the Unfamiliar
- Bernier and the “Degenerate” East
- Women Slaves, Sati and Labourers
Bhakti - Sufi Traditions: Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts
- A Mosaic of Religious Beliefs and Practices
- Poems of Prayer Early Traditions of Bhakti
- The Virashaiva Tradition in Karnataka
- Religious Ferment in North India
- New Strands in the Fabric Islamic Traditions
- The Growth of Sufism
- The Chishtis in the Subcontinent
- New Devotional Paths Dialogue and Dissent in Northern India
- Reconstructing Histories of Religious Traditions
An Imperial Capital Vijayanagara
- The Discovery of Hampi
- Rayas, Nayakas and Sultans
- Vijayanagara - the Capital and Its Environs
- The Royal Centre
- The Sacred Centre
- Plotting Palaces, Temples and Bazaars
- Questions in Search of Answers
Peasants, Zamindars and the State: Agrarian Society and the Mughal Empire
- Peasants and Agricultural Production
- The Village Community
- Women in Agrarian Society
- Forests and Tribes
- The Zamindars
- Land Revenue System
- The Flow of Silver
- The Ain-i Akbari of Abu’L Fazl Allami
Kings and Chronicles: the Mughal Courts
- The Mughals and Their Empire
- Production of Chronicles
- The Painted Image
- The Akbar Nama and the Badshah Nama
- The Ideal Kingdom
- Capitals and Courts
- The Imperial Household
- The Imperial Officials
- Beyond the Frontiers
- Questioning Formal Religion
Colonialism and the Countryside: Exploring Official Archives
- Bengal and the Zamindars
- The Hoe and the Plough
- A Revolt in the Countryside the Bombay Deccan
- The Deccan Riots Commission
Rebels and the Raj: 1857 Revolt and Its Representations
- Pattern of the Rebellion
- Awadh in Revolt
- What the Rebels Wanted
- Repression
- Images of the Revolt
Colonial Cities: Urbanisation, Planning and Architecture
- Towns and Cities in Pre-colonial Times
- Finding Out About Colonial Cities
- What Were the New Towns Like?
- Segregation, Town Planning and Architecture: Madras, Calcutta and Bombay
- What Buildings and Architectural Styles Tell Us
Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement: Civil Disobedience and Beyond
- A Leader Announces Himself
- The Making and Unmaking of Non-cooperation
- The Salt Satyagraha a Case Study
- Quit India
- The Last Heroic Days
- Knowing Gandhi
Understanding Partition: Politics, Memories, Experiences
- Some Partition Experiences
- A Momentous Marker
- Why and How Did Partition Happen?
- The Withdrawal of Law and Order
- Gendering Partition
- Regional Variations
- Help, Humanity, Harmony
- Oral Testimonies and History
Framing the Constitution: the Beginning of a New Era
- A Tumultuous Time
- The Vision of the Constitution
- Defining Rights
- The Powers of the State
- The Language of the Nation
Themes in Indian History Part 1
Political and Economic History - How Inscriptions tell a story.
- Broad Overview : Political and Economic History from the Mauryan to the Gupta Period
- Inscriptions and the Decipherment of the Script
- Asokan Inscription and Gupta Period Land Grant
- Interpretation of Inscriptions by Historians - Mauryan to the Gupta Period
A History of Buddhism - Sanchi Stupa
- Brief Review of Religious Histories of Vedic, Religion, Jainism, Vaisnavism, Saivism and Buddhism
- Story of Discovery: Sanchi Stupa
- Reproduction of Sculptures from Sanchi
- Ways in Which Sculpture Has Been,Interpreted by Historians
The Story of the First Cities - Harappan Archaeology
- Broad Overview: Early Urban Centres
- Story of Discovery: Harappan Civilization
- Archaeological Report on a Major Site (Harappan civilization)
- Utilized by Archaeologists/Historians
Social Histories - Using the Mahabharata
- Issues in Social History, Including Caste, Class, Kinship and Gender
- Transmission and Publications of the Mahabharata
- From the Mahabharata, Illustrating How It Has Been Used by Historians
Themes in Indian History Part 2
Medieval Society Through Traveller'S Accounts
- Social and Cultural Life as They Appear in Travelers Accounts
- Discussion of Where They Travelled, Why They Travelled, What They Wrote, and for Whom They Wrote
- Alberuni, Ibn Batuta, Bernier -what These Travel Accounts Can Tell Us and Interpreted by Historians
New Architecture - Hampi
- Outline of New Buildings During Vijayanagar Period
- Relationship Between Architecture and the Political System
- Account of How Hampi Was Found
- Hampi - Ways in Which Historians Have Analyzed and Interpreted
The Mughal Court - Reconstructing Histories Through Chronicles
- Outline of Political History 15th-17th Centuries
- Mughal Court and Politics
- Account of the Production of Mughal Court Chronicles
- Account of Subsequent Translation and Transmission
- Ways in Which Historians Have Used the Texts to Reconstruct Political Histories
Religious Histories - The Bhakti-sufi Tradition
- Religious Developments During this Period (Bhakti-sufi Tradition)
- Ideas and Practices of the Bhakti-sufi Saints
- Bhakti-sufi Compositions Preserved
- Bhakti-sufi - Ways in Which These Have Been Interpreted by Historians
Agrarian Relations - The Ain-i- Akbari
- Structure of Agrarian Relations in the 16th and 17th Centuries
- Patterns of Change Over the Period (Ain-i- Akbari)
- Account of the Compilation and Translation of Ain-i-akbari
- Ways in which historians have used the text to reconstruct history (Ain-i-Akbari)
Themes in Indian History Part 3
Colonialism and Rural Society - Evidence From Official Reports
- Life of Zamindars, Peasants and Artisans in the Late 18th Century
- East India Company, Revenue Settlements and Surveys
- Colonialism and Rural Society - Changes Over the Nineteenth Century
- Story of Official Records
- Official Records Used by Historians
Mahatma Gandhi Through Contemporary Eyes
- The Nationalist Movement 1918 - 48
- The Nature of Gandhian Politics and Leadership
Colonialism and Indian Towns - Town Plans and Municipal Reports
- Growth of Mumbai, Chennai, Hill Stations and Cantonments in the 18th and 19th Centuries
- Photographs and Paintings
- Plans of Cities
- Extract from Town Plan Reports
- Focus on Kolkata Town Planning
Partition Through Oral Sources
- The History of the 1940s
- Nationalism, Communalism and Partition
- Oral Testimonies of Those Who Experienced Partition
Representations of 1857
- The Events of 1857-58
- How These Events Were Recorded and Narrated
- Pictures of 1857 Shaped British Opinion
Map Work
- Map Work
The Making of the Constitution
- Independence and the New Nation State
- The Making of the Constitution
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