A man stands 10 m in front of a large plane mirror. How far must the walk before he is 5 m away from his image?
Man should walk 7.5 m towards the mirror.
The reason being, the image formed by a plane mirror is the same distance behind the mirror as it is between the object and the mirror. A distance of 5m between man and his image means that the distance between him and the mirror = `52`= 2.5 m.
Thus, the distance he should walk = 10 - 2.5 = 7.5 m.
संबंधित प्रश्न
State whether the following statement is true of false:
A student says that we can see an object because light from our eyes is reflected back by the object.
If a ray of light goes form a denser medium to a rarer medium, will it bend towards the normal or away from the normal?
Name the phenomenon due to which a swimming pool appears less deep than it really is.
Light travels more quickly through water than through glass.
Which is optically denser : water or glass?
How does the light have to enter the glass:
for no refraction to happen?
Define the principal focus of a concave mirror.
The size of image of an object by a convex lens of focal length 20 cm is observed to be reduced to `1/3` rd of its size . Find the distance of the object from the optical centre of the lens .
Explain the working of a periscope.
The deviation of light ray from its path when it travels from one transparent medium to another transparent medium is called ______.
The bottom of swimming pool appears to be less deep than the actual one because of