“Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful…” Why?
Tickling always works on people, who are a little softer. So, Belinda tickled the dragon unmerciful as it worked a lot on him. Despite being a dragon, a tickling could disturb him and this showed his cowardice on which everyone laughed.
संबंधित प्रश्न
Why did Custard cry for a nice safe cage? Why is the dragon called “cowardly dragon”?
The poet has employed many poetic devices in the poem. For example: “Clashed his tail like iron in a dungeon” — the poetic device here is a simile. Can you, with your partner, list some more such poetic devices used in the poem?
Read stanza three again to know how the poet describes the appearance of the dragon.
Can you find out the rhyme scheme of two or three stanzas of the poem?
Writers use words to give us a picture or image without actually saying what they mean. Can you trace some images used in the poem?
This poem, in ballad form, tells a story. Have you come across any such modern song or lyric that tells a story? If you know one, tell it to the class. Collect such songs as a project.
A ballad includes the telling of a tale as well as a surprise ending. Using evidence from the poem, explain how these features are included in ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’.
Describe Custard the dragon.
Describe the pirate in the 'Tale of Custard the Dragon.'
How did Custard prove 'the cowardly dragon' tag to be untrue?
What did everyone laugh at the realio, trulio dragon?
How was Belinda's behaviour with the dragon?
Answer the following in about 40-50 words:
Describe how Custard the dragon fights with the Pirate.
Answer the following in about 40-50 words:
What character trait is revealed of Custard when he accepts that the other animals are braver than him.
Answer the following in about 40-50 words:
Describe the pirate who comes through the window.
Read the following extract and answer the questions:
Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears, And Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs, Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage, But Custard cried for a nice safe cage. |
- Comment upon the contrast that is reflected in the last two lines of the extract.
- Fill in the blank with one word.
While describing Ink and Blink, the speaker says that they could chase lions down the stairs.
By saying so, he is revealing the _______ characteristic of their personality. - Comment on the poet’s use of language in these lines in about 40 words.
- Which of the following best describes the theme of the poem?
- Bravery and heroism
- Humility leads to bravery
- Valour and diligence
- Crisis reveals character