Draw a diagram to explain the idea of Internet.
लघु उत्तरीय
Glossary to understand the diagram:
- Satellite: A satellite is a wireless receiver or transmitter that is launched by a rocket and placed in orbit around the earth.
- Downlink: The communication going from a satellite to the ground is called a downlink.
- Uplink: The communication going from the ground to a satellite is called uplink.
Reading Skills
क्या इस प्रश्न या उत्तर में कोई त्रुटि है?
संबंधित प्रश्न
Rearrange the letters to make meaningful words, occurring in the poem.
- clearmis ____________
- sowmid ____________
- gearuoc ____________
- rissupser ____________
- tabyue ____________
- madres ____________
- laveu ____________
- downre ____________
Find evidence from the lesson and write in your own words.
India has many amazing success stories.
Choose any one of the seven States. Find more information about it and prepare a leaflet or brochure to invite people to visit it.
Does the traveller really have a magic stone?
Read the poem and answer the following.
Which strawberries are plump and juicy?
Was it right for the youngest brother to ask for a share in the money? Why?
What did Granny say about Hamid’s parents?
Read the poem aloud in pairs
What makes him fall?
Why is it not advisable to play online games?