What is isobar? Give an example.
Isobars are the atoms of different elements having the same mass number A, but different atomic number Z.
For example: \[\ce{_16^40S, _17^40Cl, _18^40Ar, _19^40K, and _20^40Ca}\] are isobars having same mass number 40 and different atomic number.
संबंधित प्रश्न
Atomic number of H-like atom with ionization potential 122.4 V for n = 1 is ______.
A radiative element has N0 number of nuclei at t = 0. The number of nuclei remaining after half of a half-life (that is, at time t = `1/2 "T" _(1/2)`).
Define the ionization potential.
What is isotope? Give an example.
Define atomic mass unit u.
What is binding energy of a nucleus? Give its expression.
Calculate the energy equivalent of 1 atomic mass unit.
Give the physical meaning of binding energy per nucleon.
Explain the variation of average binding energy with the mass number using a graph and discuss about its features.
Calculate the mass defect and the binding energy per nucleon of the \[\ce{^108_47Ag}\] nucleus. [atomic mass of Ag = 107.905949].