Explain the Money Measurement Concept.
उत्तर १
- On the basis of this concept, only those transactions are recorded in accounts which can be expressed in terms of money. In other words, an event, however important it may be to the business, will not be recorded unless its monetary effect can be measured with a fair degree of accuracy.
- For example, the retirement of the chairman of the company cannot be recorded because it is not possible to measure the monetary effect of retirement except in terms of gratuity and other benefits payable to the chairman.
उत्तर २
- According to this concept only those transactions are recorded in accounting which can be converted in terms of money. Other transactions, however important they may be, are not recorded if they cannot be converted in terms of money. There are two problems with this concept.
- First, the concept assumes a stability in the value of money, for example, ₹ 100 a year from now will buy the same amount as it does today. Secondly, many factors of importance to the business are outside the purview of accounting.
- Such matters include the quality of management, quality of goods or services, loyalty of employees, relationships within organisation and so on.
- Money is a common denominator. For example, an organisation may, on a particular day, have a factory land, factory building, furniture, vehicles, bank balance, computers, raw materials and so on. With the help of money values, all these diverse items can be added together.
संबंधित प्रश्न
The retirement of manager of the company cannot be recorded in the book of accounts, because it is not possible to estimate the financial effect of retirement. Which accounting principle would be applicable for the above statement?
Explain the concept of The Dual Aspect Principle.
GAAP stands for ______.
On the basis of this concept, only those transactions are recorded in accounts which can be expressed in terms of money.
According to this principle, revenue is deemed to be realised when the goods have been transferred or the services have been rendered to a customer.
"The capital provided by the owner is treated as a liability of the firm." Explain the concept on which the above depends.
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"The principle of full disclosure and principle of materiality are contradictory." Comment.