तामिळनाडू बोर्ड ऑफ सेकेंडरी एज्युकेशनएचएससी विज्ञान इयत्ता १२

Fraunhofer lines are an example of _______ spectrum. - Physics



Fraunhofer lines are an example of _______ spectrum.


  • line emission

  • line absorption

  • band emission

  • band absorption

रिकाम्या जागा भरा


Fraunhofer lines are an example of line absorption spectrum.

  या प्रश्नात किंवा उत्तरात काही त्रुटी आहे का?
पाठ 5: Electromagnetic waves - Evaluation [पृष्ठ २८२]


सामाचीर कलवी Physics - Volume 1 and 2 [English] Class 12 TN Board
पाठ 5 Electromagnetic waves
Evaluation | Q I. 10. | पृष्ठ २८२

संबंधित प्रश्‍न

What are the directions of electric and magnetic field vectors relative to each other and relative to the direction of propagation of electromagnetic waves?

A capacitor is connected to an alternating-current source. Is there a magnetic field between the plates?

A plane electromagnetic wave is passing through a region. Consider (a) electric field (b) magnetic field (c) electrical energy in a small volume and (d) magnetic energy in a small volume. Construct the pairs of the quantities that oscillate with equal frequencies.

Consider the situation of the previous problem. Define displacement resistance Rd = V/idof the space between the plates, where V is the potential difference between the plates and id is the displacement current. Show that Rd varies with time as `R_d = R(e^(t"/"tau) - 1)` .

The electric and magnetic fields, associated with an electromagnetic wave, propagating along negative X-axis can be represented by ______.

Write a short note on the X-ray.

Discuss the source of electromagnetic waves.

Poynting vectors S is defined as a vector whose magnitude is equal to the wave intensity and whose direction is along the direction of wave propagation. Mathematically, it is given by `S = 1/mu_0 E xx B`. Show the nature of S vs t graph.

A plane EM wave travelling along z direction is described by `E = E_0 sin (kz - ωt)hati` and `B = B_0 sin (kz - ωt)hatj`. show that 

  1. The average energy density of the wave is given by `u_(av) = 1/4 ε_0E_0^2 + 1/4 B_0^2/mu_0`.
  2. The time averaged intensity of the wave is given by `I_(av) = 1/2 cε_0 E_0^2`.

Sunlight falls normally on a surface of area 36 cm2 and exerts an average force of 7.2 × 10-9 N within a time period of 20 minutes. Considering a case of complete absorption the energy flux of incident light is ______.



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