
Predict the Genotype and Phenotype of the Following Cross in Pea. Tt X Tt (Capital Letters Show Dominance) - Biology



Predict the genotype and phenotype of the following cross in pea.

TT x Tt

(Capital letters show dominance)

थोडक्यात उत्तर


Genotype - TT : Tt will be 2:2 or 1:1
Phenotype - All tall plants

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पाठ 3: Principles of Genetics - Exercise 2 [पृष्ठ ३६]


फ्रँक Biology [English] Class 10 ICSE
पाठ 3 Principles of Genetics
Exercise 2 | Q 5.01 | पृष्ठ ३६

संबंधित प्रश्‍न

Describe quantitative inheritance controlled by two pairs of genes. 

In a homozygous pea plant, axial flowers (A) are dominant over terminal flowers (a).

(i) What is the phenotype and genotype of the F1 generation if a plant bearing pure axial flowers is crossed with a plant bearing pure terminal flowers?
(ii) Draw a Punnett square board to show the gametes and offsprings when both the parent plants are heterozygous for axial flowers.
(iii) What is the phenotypic ratio and genotypic ratio of the above cross shown in (ii)?
(iv) State Mendel’s Law of Dominance.
(v) Name two genetic disorders commonly seen in human males.

___________ is the scientific name of garden pea, which Mendel used for his experiments.

 In Mendel’s experiments, tall pea plants (T) are dominant over dwarf pea plants (t). 
State Mendel’s Law of Dominance. 

Choose the correct answer:

Father of genetics ________

Answer the following question.
Compare in any three ways the chromosomal theory of inheritance as proposed by Sutton and Bovery with that of experimental results on pea plant presented by Mendel.

Identify the percentage of recombinants in F2 generation in the following case.

In Morgan's experiment with Drosophila, the yellow-bodied white-eyed female was crossed with a brown-bodied red-eyed male and their F1 progeny were intercrossed.

Give reasons for the appearance of new combinations of characters in the F2 progeny.

Test cross is when ______.

Can a child have blood group O if his parents have blood group ‘A’ and ‘B’. Explain.



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