
A Block and Tackle System Has V.R. = 5. Draw a Neat Labeled Diagram of a System Indicating the Direction of Its Load and Effort - Physics



A block and tackle system has V.R. = 5.

Draw a neat labeled diagram of a system indicating the direction of its load and effort


A block and tackle system whose velocity ratio is 5 is as shown below:

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2014-2015 (March) Science Paper 1


From the diagram given below. answer the question that follows:

1) What kind of pulleys are A and B?

2) State the purpose of pulley B.

3) What effort has to be applied at C just raise the load L = 20 kgf?

(Neglect the weight of pulley A and friction)

Is the above pulley system an ideal machine or not?

Answer the following in short.

Explain the various functions that a machine can perform.

Explain how a gear system can be used to obtain Change in direction of rotation. Given one example.

In which direction does the force need to applied, when a single pulley is used with a mechanical advantage greater than one? How can you change the direction of force applied without altering its mechanical advantage? Draw a labelled diagram of the system.

Give reason for the following:

The lower block of a block and tackle pulley system must be of negligible weight

(a)  Fig represents an incomplete diagram of a simple string pulley      system. Copy this diagram on a new page and complete it and mark where the effort must be applied to lift the load.
(b) What is the velocity ratio of this system?
(c) If the pulley system is 80% efficient and the load is 720 N, then
    (i) What effort must be applied to lift the load?
    (ii) What work must be done must be done in lifting the load through   a distance of 2 m using this machine?

In the case of a block and tackle arrangement, the mechanical advantage increases with the number of pulleys. Explain.

What is a block and tackle system of pulleys? What precautions would you observe while rounding the string so that the effort is applied in the downward direction?

A pulley is a machine made up of a ______.



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