
According to less hazardous chemical synthesis point of view, instead of harmful DDT now a days _______ is used as insecticides. - Chemistry



According to less hazardous chemical synthesis point of view, instead of harmful DDT now a days _______ is used as insecticides.


  • Benzene

  • BHC

  • Chlorobenzene

  • Ethanol

Fill in the Blanks


According to less hazardous chemical synthesis point of view, instead of harmful DDT now a days BHC is used as insecticides.

Principles of Green Chemistry
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Chapter 16: Green Chemistry and Nanochemistry - Multiple choice questions


SCERT Maharashtra Chemistry [English] 12 Standard HSC
Chapter 16 Green Chemistry and Nanochemistry
Multiple choice questions | Q 2


Choose the most correct option.

Which of the following is ϒ-isomer of BHC?

Answer the following

Write the formula to calculate the % atom economy.

Answer the following

How will you illustrate the use of a safer solvent and auxiliaries?

Answer the following

Define catalyst.

Explain any three principles of green chemistry.

Answer the following:

Explain the atom economy with a suitable example.

Answer the following

How will you illustrate the principle, minimization of steps?

Answer the following

Give two examples of catalysts.

Bottom ash of thermal power stations can be used as raw material for cement and brick industry. This example illustrates which of the following principle of green chemistry?

In green technology developed by Drath and Frost, adipic acid is enzymatically synthesized from _______.

Mention the total number of principles of green chemistry.

Name the γ-isomer of Benzene hexachloride.

Which principle of green chemistry has its perspective towards carrying out reactions at room temperature and pressure?

Write one example of safer solvent and hazardous solvent

Explain prevention of waste or by products which is one of the principles of green chemistry.

In the manufacture of phenol from isopropyl benzene, the important by-product obtained is ____________.

The international plastic recycle mark with 'Number 1' is given to ____________.

Which of the following is recycled to prepare foam packaging and light switchplates?

γ-isomer of BHC is called as ____________.

All the following statements are CORRECT, EXCEPT:

Identify the use of polyethylene terephthalate.

Identify the polymer used in making floor tiles.

How many principles does green chemistry have?



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