Anisole on heating with concerntrated HI gives _________.
Phenol + Methanol
Phenol + Iodomethane
Iodobenzene + methanol
Anisole on heating with concentrated HI gives Phenol + Iodomethane.
Write chemical equation of acetyl chloride with ethanol
Write the preparation of ethanol from methyl magnesium iodide.
Write the reaction between ethanol and acetic anhydride.
How will you prepare diethyl ether by dehydration of alcohol?
In the following reaction:
\[\ce{Ether ->[Hot HI] A + B + H2O}\],
If A and B are identical, the ether is ____________.
For the preparation of mixed ethers by Williamson synthesis, which of the following combination will give the best yield?
____________ on heating with excess of conc. HI gives two moles of ethyl iodide.
Which of the following statements is INCORRECT for ethers?
In ethers, two C-O sigma bonds are formed by ____________ overlap.
A mixed ether on hydrolysis gives ____________.
\[\ce{(CH3)2CH - O - CH3 ->[Cold HI] X + Y}\]
\[\ce{X ->[K2Cr2O7][dil. H2SO4] Z}\]
\[\ce{Y ->[NaOH(aq)][\Delta] CH3OH}\]
Identify X, Y and Z.
To prepare ethanol from methyl magnesium bromide, the other reagent required is ____________.
What are the products of the following reaction?
\[\ce{(CH3)3C - O - CH3 + HI ->[cold] ?}\]
Which of the following compounds does NOT contain \[\begin{array}{cc}\backslash\phantom{.......}\\\ce{C = O}\\
/\phantom{.......}\\\end{array}\] group?
Isopropyl methyl ether when treated with cold hydrogen iodide gives ______.
Formation of diethyl ether from ethanol is based oh a ______.
Ethers when dissolved in cold concentrated sulphuric acid forms ______.
Why ethers possess a small net dipole moment?
Explain Williamson's synthesis.
Write preparation of diethyl ether.