Answer the following question briefly.
What are tectonic plates?
The convectional currents present below the solid layer of Earth’s crust split the crust or the lithosphere into a number of large fragments. These fragments are called tectonic or lithospheric plates.
Fill the following in the given outline map and also prepare an index.
i) West Bengal
ii) Tropic of Cancer
iii) Karaikal
iv) Delhi
v) Indira Point
vi) Himachal Pradesh
Answer in detail:
Explain the impact of Indian Ocean and the Himalayas on the origin of monsoons.
Where do the Ganga and the Brahmaputra join and where do they drain?
The south eastern part of the Deccan plateau is known as ______.
Mount Everest is the highest peak of the world with an altitude of ______.
Which type of soil is found in Deccan Trap region?
In India, there is a vast plain in ______.
Siwaliks is the ______ range, made up of mud and soft rocks.
Answer the following in paragraph:
Write about the Indian Desert.
Distinguish Between:
The Bundelkhand and The Baghelkhand.