Cell phone towers should be placed far away from the residential area – why?
Short Note
- Living near a cell phone tower is not healthy. There are multiple health risks associated with living near a cell phone tower.
- Cell phone towers communicate by use pulsed microwave signals (radiofrequency radiation) with each other.
- That is the reason cell phone towers should be placed far away from the residential area.
Types of Radioactivity
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Man-made radioactivity is also known as _______.
In which of the following, no change in mass number of the daughter nuclei takes place
- α decay
- β decay
- γ decay
- neutron decay
Abbreviation of ICRP______.
_______ is used to measure exposure rate of radiation in humans.
If the radiation exposure is 100 R, it may cause ______.
Use the analogy to fill in the blank
Spontaneous process: Natural Radioactivity, Induced process: _______.
A cobalt specimen emits induced radiation of 75.6 millicurie per second. Convert this disintegration in to becquerel (one curie = 3.7 × 1010 Bq)
Mark the correct choice as
- Assertion: In a β - decay, the neutron number decreases by one.
- Reason: In β - decay atomic number increases by one.
Give the SI unit of radioactivity.
Which material protects us from radiation?