Comment upon the role of ear in maintaining the balance of the body and posture.
Maintaining the balance of the body and posture is done by the inner ear. There are two parts which are semicircular canals and vestibules are involved in the balancing.
Give a brief account of: Mechanism of hearing
Wax secreting gland present in the ear canal is called ______.
The part of internal ear responsible for hearing is ______.
The organ of corti is a structure present in ______.
Arrange the following in the order of reception and transmission of sound wave from the ear drum:
Cochlear nerve, external auditory canal, eardrum, stapes, incus, malleus, cochlea.
While travelling at a higher altitude, a person complains of dizziness and vomiting sensation. Which part of the inner ear is disturbed during the journey?
What is the function ascribed to Eustachian tube?
Explain the structure of middle and internal ear with the help of diagram.