
Compare and contrast nervous and hormonal mechanisms for control and coordination in animals - Science



Compare and contrast nervous and hormonal mechanisms for control and coordination in animals.

Distinguish Between


Nervous System Mechanism Hormonal System Mechanism
It consists of nerve impulses between the PNS, CNS and Brain. It consists of the endocrine system, which secretes hormones directly into the blood.
The axons and dendrites transmit the information through a coordinated effort. The information is transmitted or transported through blood.
The flow of information is rapid and the response is quick. The information travels slowly and the response is slow.
Nerve impulses are not specific in their action. Each hormone has specific actions.
The effects are short-lived. It has prolonged effects.
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Chapter 7: Control and Coordination - Exercises [Page 126]


NCERT Science [English] Class 10
Chapter 7 Control and Coordination
Exercises | Q 11 | Page 126

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What happens at the synapse between two neurons?

 How are the messages carried across a synapse? Explain with the help of a labelled diagram.

The spinal cord originates from:

Put a tick mark (✓) against the correct alternative in the following statement:

The structural and functional unit of nervous system is a

Multiple choice question. Tick (✓) the correct choice:

Nervous system in humans consists of

  1. brain and nerves
  2. brain and spinal cord
  3. brain, spinal cord and nerves
  4. none of the above

Find the odd-one out, giving reasons:
Pinna, eardrum, cochlea, ear canal

Mention the three functions of the spinal cord. 

Given below is certain structure. Write against them its functional acivity.

Taste bud and …………………..

Name the following:
The neobrain.

Define the following:
Action potential

Where is this located?
Nodes of Ranvier

Differentiate between:

Afferent and Efferent Nerve.

Give Technical Terms:
The number of cranial and spinal nerves in man.

 Choose the Odd One Out: 

Complete the following sentence with appropriate Word
A point of contact between two neurons is termed:

Which of the following statements is TRUE for Wernicke's area?

Identify the CORRECT sequence of meninges. (From inside to outside)

How is an electric impulse created in human nervous system? 

Mohan is fond of playing basketball. His concentration is on shooting the ball into the opponent's basket as given in the picture.

  1. Which part of the brain helps Mohan to concentrate in putting the ball into the basket?
  2. Name the sense organ that helps to gauge the distance between the ball and the basket.
  3. Name the part of the brain that co-ordinates all the voluntary muscles of his body.



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