Complete the drawing shown in Figure to indicate where the free ends of the two wires should be joined to make the bulb glow.
The given circuit is not complete. To complete the circuit, the positive terminal of the cell should be connected to one end of the switch, and the other terminal of the bulb should be connected to the other end of the switch. The closed-circuit is shown in the following figure:
A switch is not touched with wet hands while putting it on or off. Give a reason for your answer.
It is dangerous to connect the switch in the neutral wire. Explain your answer.
How should the electric lamps in a house be connected so that the switching ON or OFF in a room has no effect on other lamps in the same building?
What is meant by ‘MCB’? Which part of the domestic electric circuit does it replace?
What is a switch? State its function in an electric circuit.
Name the component which connects electrical components to one another.
In the circuit shown in Fig. 12.3, when the switch is moved to ‘ON’ position,
Why is the switch put in the live wire?
What precaution do you take while handling a switch?
Name the wire to which a switch is connected.