Define isomerism.
Isomerism: Compounds having the same molecular formula but different structural formulae are known as isomers, and the phenomenon is known as isomerism.
Name an organic compound which is Made from water gas ?
Give the structural formula of the alcohols.
Write the IUPAC name of the foloowing:
(a) What are products obtained when methane reacts with chlorine in
diffused sunlight?
(b) Write the equation when methane reacts with chlorine in diffused sunlight.
(c) Name and define the type of above reaction.
Ethanol can be converted to ethene which can be changed to ethane.
Choose the correct word or phrase from the options given below to complete the following sentences:
The conversion of ethene to ethane is an example of ________(Hydration, hydrogenation).
Draw the structural formula of a compound with two carbon atoms in the following case:
An unsaturated hydrocarbon with carbon to carbon triple bond.
Give the correct IUPAC name and the fiJnctional group for each of the
compounds whose structural formulae are given below:
\phantom{...........}| \phantom{....}|\phantom{.} \phantom{..}//\phantom{......}\\
\phantom{.......}| \phantom{....}|\phantom{..}\phantom{..}\text{\\} \phantom{..}\\
Name the organic compound prepared by each of the following reactions:
\[\ce{C2H5COONa + NaOH ->}\]
Give the structural formulae of the following:
2-methyl propane
Carbon to carbon double bond is found in ______.