Describe any three experiments to prove the Spherical Shape of the Earth.
If you observe a ship approaching sea coast, the top of the mast is seen first and the hull, lower parts are seen gradually. Due to the curvature of the Earth, the whole ship is not seen at one time.
Fix three poles of equal length at equal distance on the ground. These do not give a horizontal level. The top of the middle pole looks higher than the other two poles due to the curvature pf the Earth. This experiment was done by Mr A.R. Wallace on Bedford canal.
If you look around at the Earth’s horizon (where Earth and sky appear to meet), it will everywhere and always appear circular. It widens with increasing altitude due to Spherical Earth.
What is NiFe composed of?
State two chief characteristics of the earth’s crust.
Describe the mantle. State its two chief characteristics.
The study of meteorites helps scientists to know about the interior of the earth.
Look at the figure on the side and answer the question:
Name the state (solid, liquid or gas) in which each part exists.
Describe the layers of the interior of the earth and their chemical composition.
There are two transitional zones between the two consecutive layers of the interior of the earth. Name them and state their chief characteristics.
Study the figure on the side and answer the question
What happens to the continents if there is an earthquake?
Explain briefly the structure of the earth.
______ is the rigid outer layer of the Earth.