Describe the mantle. State its two chief characteristics.
Below the crust is the mantle. It comprises eighty-four percent of the earth's total volume. The upper and lower mantles are the two divisions of the mantle. There are two main features of the mantle:
- It is 2900 kilometers thick on average.
- The temperature ranges from roughly 1000°C to 3700°C.
Where is asthenosphere found? In which form does it exist?
Why is the earth’s interior in most part found in a solid state despite great heat and pressure?
Explain the layers of the interior of the earth with reference to the following :
(a) Depth,
(b) Temperature
(c) Density.
Study the figure on the side and answer the question
What is known as Sial? How deep is the area marked by Sial?
Study the figure on the side and answer the question
Why is the expression ‘Nife’ so called?
Which are the two most abundant chemical elements in the Earth’s crust?
Give one word for the following :
A narrow block elevated between two normal faults.
Distinguish between Core and Crust.
What is NIFE?
Composite volcanoes are commonly found in the ______ocean.