
Do You Agree with the Poet that a Nation’S Growth Depends Upon the Wealth of Trees? Why/Why Not? - English 2 (Literature in English)



Do you agree with the poet that a nation’s growth depends upon the wealth of trees? Why/why not?

Answer in Brief
Short Note


The tree is like a heart and will create new life on earth. The trunk is like a bridge; and the branches are a link to the cosmos. He will bring transformation and aid in the growth and prosperity of life on earth. The tree is used as a symbol of all the good in our lives. It symbolises peace and prosperity in our country and in the world. It teaches the vales of love and loyalty. It symbolises rich rewards for our future generations and represents a link of our present with the future. It stands as a symbol of growth, prosperity and harmony. A tree gives us seeds which sprout, and buds which bloom in times to come. It is a forest heritage as one tree leads to a whole forest in the future and a’ harvest of a coming age or in other words a reward and legacy for the future in the form of wood and a congenial environment. It is a link of the present to the future.

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Chapter 1.01: The Heart of the Tree - Extra Questions


We have come across words like 'gale' and 'storm' in the account. Here are two more words for 'storm': typhoon, cyclone. How many words does your language have for 'storm'?

Look at these sentences.

  • In the spring, birds of all kinds would flock into the banyan tree’s branches.
  • I would spend the afternoons there.
  • Grandfather, at sixty-five, could no longer climb the banyan tree.
  • I could hide myself in its branches.
  • I could look down through the leaves at the world below.
  • I could read there.
‘Would’ tells us what the author used to do, or what used to happen. ‘Could’ tells us what the author was usually able to do, or grandfather is now not able to do.

Choose would and could to replace the italicised words in the following sentences.

Choose would and could to replace the italicised words in the following sentences.

Grandfather says, in the old days,

1. elephants were able to fly in the sky, like clouds. They were also able to change their shapes. They used to fly behind clouds and frighten them. People used to look up at the sky in wonder.

2. because there was no electricity, he used to get up with the sun, and he used to go to bed with the sun, like the birds.

3. like the owl, he was able to see quite well in the dark. He was able to tell who was coming by listening to their footsteps.

Column A shows your involvement in growing a tree, as well as the stages in the life of a tree. Column B shows the feelings you experience at all stages. Match them appropriately.

  A   B
1. You planted a sapling. a. Gave you a feeling of joy to see the promising future.
2. You watered the plant. b. The new experience brought excitement to you.
3. You saw the shoot for the first time. c. You were happy and satisfied because you experienced what you had often heard, that a small beginning can lead to great achievements.
4. You fenced the plant. d. The colour, symbolizing life, gave you a feeling of hope.
5. The plant gradually saw lush green leaves grow on it. e. You wanted to make a humble beginning.
6. The tree had buds too. f. Your motive was to protect it.
7. Birds made a nest on the tree which was fully grown and laden with flowers. g. You cared for it.

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