Draw the labelled diagram of the following:
V.S. of maize seed
V.S. of maize seed
Draw the labelled diagram of the following:
Gram seed
Put a tick mark (✓) against the correct alternative in the following statement
Which one of the following is a monocotyledonous seed?
Name the following
A seed which shows hypogeal germination.
Name the following
Name the following
A seed which shows epigeal germination.
Name the following
A dicot seed.
Imagine all the seeds produced by a plant happen to fall under the same plant and sprout into new plants. Mention any two problems that will be faced by the new plants.
With the help of a suitable labelled diagram, describe the structure of a dicot seed.
Differentiate between the following:
Dicot seed and Monocot seed
Cereals, castor, coconut possess ______ seeds.
The mature seeds of plants such as gram and peas, possess no endosperm, because ______.
How do you distinguish between hypogeal germination and epigeal germination? What is the role of cotyledon (s) and the endosperm in the germination of seeds?