
Draw a Labelled Diagram to Make a Soft Iron Bar as an Electromagnet. Describe in Steps the Procedure ? - Physics



Draw a labelled diagram to make a soft iron bar as an electromagnet. Describe in steps the procedure ?

Answer in Brief


Usually, the electromagnets are made in two shapes :
(1) bar or I shaped magnet and (2) horse shoe or U shaped magnet.

  1.  To make a fiar or I shaped electromagnet: Take a soft iron bar PQ and wind a thin insulated copper wire around the bar. Connect a cell or a battery B, and a key K in series between the ends of the coil. The circuit diagram is shown in figure.

When key K is closed, current passes through the winding of the coil and the bar becomes a magnet. As the key K is opened, the current stops flowing in the coil and the bar loses its magnetism. Thus, the bar behaves like an electromagnet.

2. To make a horse shoe or U shaped electromagnet: Take a U shaped soft iron piece. Wind a thin insulated copper wire on its arms such that the winding in the two arms is in opposite direction. In figure winding in the arm A starts from the front and is in clockwise direction (when seen from the bottom).
On reaching the upper end of the arm A, winding starts from the back at the top of the arm B and is in anticlockwise direction. Connect a battery B and a key K between the two ends of the wire

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