Draw the unit cell of HCP structure and work out the no. of atoms per unit cell.
Each corner atom is shared by 6 neighbouring unit cells. Hence each corner carriers (1/6)th of an atom as shown:-
Each face centre carriers ½ atom. In the middle layer there are three atoms. Hence total number of atoms/unit cells are
`n = 2(6xx1/6)+2(1/2)+3=6`
Draw and explain the unit cell of sodium chloride (NaCl) crystal determine effective number of NaCl molecule per unit cell and co-ordination number.
Calculate the critical radius ratio of an ionic crystal in ligancy-6 . what is the maximum size of cation in ligancy 6 configuration when size of anion is 2.02A°?
What is the principle of solar cell? Write its advantages and disadvantages
Find the following parameter for DC(Diamond Cubic) structure:-
⦁ No. of atoms per unit cell.
⦁ Co-ordination number.
⦁ Nearest atomic distance.
⦁ Atomic radius.
⦁ APF.
A quartz crystal of thickness 1.5 mm vibrating with resonance. Calculate it’s fundamental frequency if the Young’s modulus of quartz crystal is 7.9×1010N/m2 and density is 2650 kg/m3 .
With neat diagram of unit cell, explain the structure of NaCl crystal and calculate the no .of ions per unit cell, co ordination no. and lattice constant. Calculate the packing factor of NaCl crystal assuming the radius of Na+is 0.98 A° and radius of Cl is 1.81 A°.
Define ligancy and critical radius ratio. Calculate critical radius ratio for ligancy 8.
With neat diagram of unit cell , explain the structure of HCP crystal and calculate the no. of ions per unit cell, co ordination no., lattice constant and packing factor of the structure.
Define ligancy and critical radius ratio. Calculate critical radius radio for ligancy 6.
Explain with Diagram Hcp Unit Cell Based on Lattice Parameters.
A quartz crystal of thickness 1 mm is vibrating at resonance. Calculate its fundamental frequency. (Assume that for quartz, Y= 7.9x 1010 N/m2 and p = 2.650 gm/cc.
Define Ligancy. Find the value of critical radius ratio for Ligancy 3.