
Explain the correlation of the following statement. Jammu and Kashmir issue and separatism - Political Science



Explain the correlation of the following statement.

Jammu and Kashmir issue and separatism

Short Note


The Indian government has maintained that terrorism emanating from across Indian borders remains the core concern in India’s relationship with Pakistan. The government argues that infiltration from across the border is mainly in Jammu and Kashmir which is affected by terrorist violence, sponsored and supported from across the border. The Ministry of Home, Government of India in its Annual Report of 2016-17 states. The State of Jammu and Kashmir has been affected by terrorist and secessionist violence, sponsored and supported from across the border, for more than two and a half decades. It also says that Pakistan has tried to radicalise the people through vested social groups and the use of social media. Jammu and Kashmir have seen a continuous period of instability fostered by cross-border intervention in form of militancy or political support to separatist groups like the Hurriyat. The disturbing feature of the conflict is the use of children for stone-throwing and burning of schools by the militants.

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Chapter 4: Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration - Q.4) Explain the correlation


SCERT Maharashtra Political Science [English] 12 Standard HSC
Chapter 4 Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration
Q.4) Explain the correlation | Q 4. 4)


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