
Explain the importance of the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean with respect to the climate of India. - Geography



Explain the importance of the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean with respect to the climate of India.

Short Note

Solution 1

  • Importance of Himalayas:
  1. The Himalayas acts as a barrier protecting the great Plains of India from the cold winds of Central Asia during the severe winter season.
  2. The Himalayas are the reason for summer rains and monsoon type of climate in the regions that are beyond the Western ghats of India.
  3. Himalaya is responsible for the origin of perennial rivers which bring a lot of silt making the northern plains very fertile.
  • Importance of the Indian ocean:
    The Indian Ocean is one of the greatest oceans that brings more moisture that is accountable for very moderate climatic conditions in South India. The role of the Himalayas on Indian agriculture and climate is that it not only increase the fertility level of soil but also causes rainfall.

Solution 2

The Indian Ocean and the Himalayas play a major role in affecting the monsoon and climate of India.

  1. The Himalayas protect India from bitterly cold winds that blow from the north. Thus, India does not experience severe cold during winter.
  2. At the beginning of summer, the temperature on the main land increases. So, a low-pressure belt develops in the Punjab plains and the Thar desert of Rajasthan.
  3. At the same time, the high-pressure belt is developed over the Indian Ocean. iv. Therefore, the moisture-laden winds coming from the south-west start blowing from the high-pressure area to the low-pressure area. These are south-west monsoon winds.
  4. India receives rainfall from the south-west monsoon winds. Due to the obstruction of the Western Ghats on the west, the western coast receives maximum rainfall from the south-west monsoon winds. It is approximately 400 to 500 cms.
  5. In the leeward side of the hills, the rainfall reduces. These winds blow parallel to the Aravalis. As they are not high to check the winds, parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat receive less rainfall.
  6. Later, these winds move towards the Himalayas and Orographic type of rainfall occurs due to the natural obstruction of the Himalayas.
  7. During winter, the temperature on the Indian subcontinent is lesser than the temperature on the Indian Oceans. Hence, winds start blowing from the north-east. These are dry winds but as they move towards the Indian Ocean, they retain moisture. These north-east monsoon winds bring rainfall to the eastern coast as well as some parts of the Peninsula.

In this way, the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean play a very important role with respect to the climate of India.

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