Fill in the blank:
India receives most of its rainfall from the __________ monsoons from June to October.
India receives most of its rainfall from the south-west monsoons from June to October.
Write true or false. Correct the false statement:
Babool and kikar trees are mainly found in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and on the leeward side of the Western Ghats.
Give geographical reasons for the following :
South India is warmer than north India.
Which winds bring rainfall to the Western Ghats?
Why are storms in Assam and West Bengal called Kalbaisakhi?
Which is the first and the last state to receive monsoon in India?
Name two areas in India which receive winter rainfall.
Fill in the blank:
Temperature __________ with increase in height above sea level.
Fill in the blank:
The winter rainfall is very important for the cultivation of _________ crops such as wheat.
Fill in the blank:
The ________ branch of south-west monsoon brings heavy rainfall to the north-east India Ganga plains and north-west India.
On an outline map of India, show the path of the northeast monsoons with arrows.