Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary EducationSSLC (English Medium) Class 6

Fill in the table given below. S. No Problems faced by the hatchlings Effect Solution 1. Pollution Survival of sea turtles becomes difficult. Reduce the usage of plastics. 2. Predators 3. Human - English



Fill in the table given below.

S. No Problems faced by the hatchlings Effect Solution
1. Pollution Survival of sea turtles becomes difficult. Reduce the usage of plastics.
2. Predators    
3. Human Activities    
Fill in the Blanks


S. No Problems faced by the hatchlings Effect Solution
1. Pollution Survival of sea turtles becomes difficult. Reduce the usage of plastics.
2. Predators Eat them for food Protection from predations
3. Human Activities Put them in Grave Danger Conserve the turtles & make the area, a safe zone for them.
Reading Skills
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Chapter 1.1: Sea Turtles - Reading- Section III [Page 92]


Samacheer Kalvi English - Term 1 Class 6 TN Board
Chapter 1.1 Sea Turtles
Reading- Section III | Q 1. | Page 92


Attempt the following in 150-200 words.

What was the incident of the Frost King? How did it affect Helen?

Select any one of the famous personalities mentioned in ‘Warming up 1’ on page no. 5. From the library or internet find out their success story. Write it in your own words in about 20 to 30 lines of your notebook.
Give your write-up a suitable title.

Using a dictionary/internet note down the main difference between self-reliant and self-assured.

Answer the following question in short.

What do you learn about Pundits of Vijaynagar?

Use the following phrases in your own words.

  • roam around
  • again and again
  • bring something back
  • there and then

Look at the following words carefully for one minute. Now close your book and try to write down as many of the words as you can remember.

crust, tremendous, lava, crater, volcanic, tsunami, island, extinct, disaster, dormant, eruption, plume, inland, molten, active, coast

Find three lines, that contain images of nature in the autumn season.

During daytime

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________

Read the following line from the poem and answer the question that follow.

In the dim past, nor holding back in fear From what the future veils; but with a whole And happy heart, that pays its toll To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.

  1. What does the poet mean by the phrase ‘in the dim past’?
  2. Is the poet afraid of future?
  3. How can one travel on with cheer?

Write the rhyming word.

Bird - ______.

Which quality makes 'world is one and human is one'?



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