Four nuclei of an element undergo fusion to form a heavier nucleus, with release of energy. Which of the two – the parent or the daughter nucleus – would have higher binding energy per nucleon?
Line of sight propagation is also called as_________________ .
The outermost layer of the earth’s atmosphere is _______.
(A) stratosphere
(B) mesospher
(C) troposphere
(D) ionosphere
What is space wave propagation? Which systems of communication use space waves? What is 'radio horizon' of a transmitting antenna of height h? Why is space wave propagation suitable for frequencies above 40 MHz?
Describe briefly, by drawing suitable diagram, the sky wave ?
Name the three different modes of propagation of electromagnetic waves. Explain, using a proper diagram the mode of propagation used in the frequency range from a few MHz to 40 MHz.
Explain with the help of a diagram how long distance communication can be achieved by ionospheric reflection of radio waves.
What is ground wave communication? On what factors does the maximum range of propagation in this mode depend?
Answer the following question.
On what factors does the range of coverage in ground wave propagation depend?
Answer the following question.
In the skywave mode of propagation, why is the frequency range of transmitting signals restricted to less than 30 MHz?
An antenna is