
Give an example of a metal which can be easily cut with a knife. - Science



Give an example of a metal which can be easily cut with a knife.

Name the following:

The two metals which can be cut with a knife.

One Line Answer


  1. Sodium (Na)
  2. Potassium (K)
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Chapter 3: Metals and Non-metals - Intext Questions [Page 40]


NCERT Science [English] Class 10
Chapter 3 Metals and Non-metals
Intext Questions | Q 1.2 | Page 40


Which of the following statements is correct?

Give reasons for the following.

Aluminium foils are used to wrap food items.

Match the substances given in Column A with their uses given in Column B.

  A   B
1 Gold a Thermometers
2 Iron b Electric wire
3 Aluminium c Wrapping food
4 Carbon d Jewellery
5 Copper e Machinery
6 Mercury f Fuel

Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of zinc with potassium hydroxide solution.

Write the balanced chemical equation to prepare ammonia gas in the laboratory by using an alkali.

Name the most abundant non-metal in the earth's crust.

Which metal foil is used for packing some of the medicine tablets?

What is meant by "brittleness"? Which type of elements usually show brittleness: metals or non-metals?

State one use of Hydrogen.

 State one use of Nitrogen.

State any five physical properties of non-metals.

Name a non-metal having lustre (shining surface).

State three reasons (of which at least one must be chemical) for believing that sulphur is a non-metal.

Name a metal as precious as gold  

Give reasons 

Tungsten is used in electric bulbs. 

Match the statements in Column A, with those in Column B .

   Column A   Column B 
1 A metal used for making high quality mirrors . a Chlorine 
2 A metal which neither malleable nor ductile.  b Graphite 
3 A non-metal,used in the sterilsation of water.  c Iodine 
4 A non-metal, whose deficiency can lead to disease like goitre.  d Silver 
5  A non -metal which can be used as dry lubricant.  Zinc

Tick (√) the most appropriate answer. 

Sodium amalgam is prepared by dissolving sodium in :

Name a non-metal which is liquid form at room temperature.

Name a non-metal whose compounds help in the growth of plants.  

State two important uses of following non-metal 

Uses of graphite  


a metal which can float on water


Two metals which are liquid at room temperature

Name two metals which react with cold water.

Which metals do not corrode easily?

Make pairs of substances and their properties

Substance Property
a. Potassium bromide (KBr) 1. Combustible
b. Gold 2. Soluble in water
c. Sulphur 3. No chemical reaction
d. Neon 4. High ductility.

Name the following:

With reference to the physical properties of metals and non-metals, state the following exception.

A metal which is liquid at room temperature.

Which metal occurs as an oxide also gives the name of their respective ore.

How are metals like sodium, potassium, and calcium obtained? Give equations.

Fill in the Blank and Rewrite the Statements:

Elements showing properties of both metals and nonmetals are known as _________.

Explain the following:

Metals like calcium and magnesium are never found in their free state in nature.

Give the common name and chemical name of an ore of:

(a) zinc (b) aluminium (c) iron.

_______ is good conductor of heat but bad conductor of electricity.

Write the name.

Nonmetal which is a good conductors of electricity.

Pencil lead contains

Alloys are homogeneous mixtures of a metal with a metal or non-metal. Which among the following alloys contain non-metal as one of its constituents?

Match the following:

1. Non-metals a. Silicon
2. Metals b. fire extinguisher
3. Metalloids c. dull and soft
4. Oxygen d. hard and shiny
5. Water e. supports fire

Reason out

Sulphur is used in the vulcanization of rubber.



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