Give the importance of IST.
The longitudinal extent of India between the West and the East is about 30° from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh. This longitudinal difference makes a difference of nearly 2 hours in local time between Gujarat in the West and Arunachal Pradesh in the East. In order to avoid the time difference between the places, IST is calculated. The Indian Standard Time is calculated based on 82°30′ East longitude.
Read the following graph and answer the questions.
Temperature and Rainfall in Brazil and India
i) What is the minimum and maximum temperature of India?
ii) What difference do you find in the rainy period in Brazil and India?
iii) In which month does Brazil get less rainfall?
iv) In which month does India get higher rainfall?
v) In which month does India get lesser rainfall?
vi) In which month does Brazil have a higher temperature?
Fill the following in the given outline map and also prepare an
i) A state with high density in southern India
ii) The western coast
iii) Region with low rainfall in India
iv) The evergreen forest region in north-eastern India
v) Hot desert
vi) State with one-horned rhinos
Is this sentence right or wrong? Rewrite the wrong ones.
The southern part of India is called Peninsula.
What is the southernmost part of India?
Which is the most of the volcanoes and earthquakes in the world located?
India is situated into southern part of ______.
The 0° Meridian passes through Greenwich in ______.
How India is politically divided?
Distinguish between
Location, extent and boundaries of India and Brazil
Identify the following with the help of map reading.
The Union Territories of India.