Give two examples of the following in the space provided.
Co-operatives: ____________ and _____________
Co-operatives: Anand Milk Union Limited and Sudha Dairy
Give two examples of the following in the space provided.
Raw materials: ____________ and _____________
Identify the correct correlation:
A: Assertion; R: Reasoning
A: The humid climate of Mumbai offered great scope for the development of cotton textile industries.
R: Industries require ample amount of water.
Distinguish between Large scale industries and small scale industries.
Name the factors responsible for the location of industries.
Classify and explain the industries based on the source of raw materials.
Identify the correct group
Marine based industries:
State whether right or wrong:
Classification of industries is based on size, source of raw material, nature of production and ownership.
Differentiate between
Agriculture based industries and Mineral based industries
Write a short note:
Classification of industries based on capital investment
The industry-owned and operated by an individual belongs to ______ sector.