How do we know that the Harappans believed in animal worship?
The Harappans worshiped the animals. Animal worship as a part of religious beliefs is indicated by the representation of animals on the seals and in terracotta and stone figurines.
Why did the Indus Valley Civilization come to be known as Harappan Civilization?
Mention any two features to suggest that the Harappan people enjoyed a higher standard of civic amenities than those of Mesopotamia.
State the probable period of the existence of the Indus Valley Civilization.
With reference to the art and craft of the Harappan people, explain their achievements in the following fields:
The Art of Carving.
What is known as Bronze Age Civilisations?
Why did ancient man start using bronze for making tools and weapons?
State two chief features of residential houses in Mohenjo-Daro.
What types of weights and measures did the Indus people use?
State two features of the trade in the Indus Valley Civilisation.
With reference to the emergence of civilisation, answer the following question:
What is meant by Civilisation? What are the main traits which mark a civilisation?