How does the angle of minimum deviation produces by a prism change with increase in :
the wavelength of incident light
Changes in the angle of deviation as we increase
The wavelength of incident light
As we increase the wavelength, angle of deviation decreases.
A ray of light passes from glass into air. The angle of refraction will be:
(a) equal to the angle of incidence
(b) greater than the angle of incidence
(c) smaller than the angle of incidence
(d) 45°
When a lighted candle is held in front of a thick plane glass mirror, several images can be seen, but the second image is the brightest, give reason.
Which of the following is the best experimental set-up out of the four shown for tracing the path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass slab ?
Observe the figure and write accurate conclusion regarding refraction of light.
State the relation between the refractive index μ and the velocity of light (vm) in that medium.
Can the absolute refractive index of a medium be less than one?
In the diagram below, PQ is a ray of light incident on a rectangular glass block.
Copy the diagram and complete the path of the ray of light through the glass block. In your diagram, mark the angle of incidence by letter ‘i’ and the angle of emergence by the letter ‘e’.
Draw a diagram to show the refraction of a monochromatic light ray through an equilateral prism. On the diagram, label the incident, refracted, and emergent rays. It also indicates the angle of deviation by the letter δ.