How many Rathas are found at Mahabalipuram?
Eight Rathas are found at Mahabalipuram.
Name the famous astronomer of the Gupta period after whom an Indian Satellite was named.
Mention the famous work on medicine written by Vriddha - Vagabhatta.
What is known as Frescoes?
How can we say that Harshavardhana was a patron of learning?
Who wrote Harshcharita?
Name the literary work of Perundevanar.
Study the picture of Dharmaraja Ratha and answer the following questions:
Under which Dynasty and in whose reign was the Ratha built?
What contribution did Aryabhatta make in the field of science, astronomy, and mathematics?
With reference to Golden Age of Indian Culture answer the following questions.
Describe the progress in medicine during this period.
What contribution did Varahamihira make in the field of science, astronomy, and mathematics?