How many Triangles are there in the following figure?
Taking smaller triangles we have AFB, BFG, BGC, CGH, HCD, DHI, DIE, EIJ, EJA and AJF
⇒ 10 triangles.
Taking the combination of 2.
CGD, CID, DJE, DHE, EIA, EFA, AGB, AJB, BHC and BFC are 10 triangles.
Combining 3 at a time we have CED, DAE, EBA, ACB, BDC, CEF, DBJ, GDA, EBH, ACI
⇒ 10 triangles.
Other triangles are BCE, CAD, DBE, ADB and ACE are 5 triangles.
Total 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 = 35 triangles.
Using the numbers from 1 to 9
(i) Can you form a magic triangle?
(ii) How many magic triangles can be formed?
(iii) What are the sums of the sides of the magic triangle?
Arrange the odd numbers from 1 to 17 without repetition to get a sum of 30 on each side of the magic triangle.
Put the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the circles so that each straight line of three numbers add up to the same total.
Place the number 1 to 12 in the 12 circles so that the sum of the numbers in the six lines of the star is 26. Use each number from 1 to 12 exactly once. Find more possible ways?
How many Triangles are there in the following figure?
How many Triangles are there in the following figure?
Count the number of squares in the following figure?
How many Circles are there in the following figure?
Find the minimum number of straight lines used in forming the following figure.
Find the minimum number of straight lines used in forming the following figure.