Identify the odd one in each set : Haemoglobin, Glucagon, Iodopsin, Rhodopsin
Odd term: Glucagon.
Category: They are pigments. (Glucagon is a hormone)
Give appropriate biological/technical terms for the following: Cellular components of blood containing hemoglobin
State the main function of the Lymphocytes of blood
What are the main steps in coagulation of blood?
The compound formed when haemoglobin combines with carbon dioxide in blood.
Name the following:
The soluble protein present in the blood plasma responsible for clotting.
Select the odd one in the following:
RBC, WBC, Blood platelets, Histone.
Given below is a diagram of a smear of human blood. Study the same and answer the question that follow:
What is the main function of the parts labeled 1, 2 and 3 respectively?
Give Technical Term for the following:
Name the vein in the human body which carries oxygenated blood.
The soluble protein present in blood plasma responsible for blood clotting.
Multiple Choice Questions
The function of WBC is: