In a d.c. motor, why must the current to the coil be reversed twice during each rotation?
In a D.C. electric motor, the reversing of current in the coil is repeated after every half rotation. This causes the coil to continue its rotation as long as the current from the battery is passed through it. The rotating coil can drive a machine connected to it.
Explain the function of the following parts of an electric motor.
Split ring
Electric motor works on the magnetic effect of electric current.
Of what substance is the core of the coil of an electric motor made?
State what would happen to the direction of rotation of a motor if:
In what ways can a motor be made more powerful?
Tell the odd one out. Give proper explanation.
Loud speaker, Microphone, Electric motor, Magnet.
What is an electric motor?
Which of the following converts electrical energy into mechanical energy?
An electric motor converts ______.
Material of the core of a strong magnet is ____________.
Draw a labelled circuit diagram of a simple electric motor and explain its working. In what way these simple electric motors are different from commercial motors?