
Label the parts of a neuron in the given figure. - Science



Label the parts of a neuron in the given figure.

Answer in Brief



  1. Dendrite
  2. Cell-body
  3. Schwann cell
  4. Axon
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Chapter 7: Control and Coordination - Short Answer Questions [Page 63]


NCERT Exemplar Science [English] Class 10
Chapter 7 Control and Coordination
Short Answer Questions | Q 38. | Page 63


Marine fish when placed in tap water bursts because of:
A. Endosmosis
B. Exosmosis
C. Diffusion
D. Plasmolysis

Identify the odd one in each set : Cyton, Photon, Axon, Dendron

Name the following :

The layer of the eyeball that forms the transparent Cornea

State whether the following statement is true (T) or false (F):

There are 31 pairs of cranial nerves.

Define the term Sensory neuron.

Define the term Neuron.

Complete the following statement by choosing the correct alternative from the choice given in below :

The dorsal root ganglion of the spinal cord contains cell bodies of  ________ neurons.

Identify the odd item from the following series of words.

Write a short note.

Autonomic Nervous System

Assertion: The imbalance in concentration of Na+, K+ and proteins generates action potential.

Reason: To maintain the unequal distribution of Na+ and K+, the neurons use electrical energy.

A neuron contains all cell organelles except ______.

Our body contains a large number of cells ‘L’ which are the longest cells in the body. L has long and short branches called ‘M’ and ‘N’ respectively. There is a gap ‘O’ between two ‘L’ cells, through which nerve impulse transfer by the release of chemical substance ‘P’.

(i) Name the cells L?

(ii) What are M and N?

(iii) What is the gap O?

(iv) Name the chemical substance P?

Which cells form a single layer of squamous or columnar often ciliated epithelial cells lining the ventricle?

Which nerves transmit impulses from the central nervous system towards muscle cells?

Which part of a nerve cell contains a nucleus?

Electrical impulse travels in a neuron from

Identify the parts of a neuron which help the nerve impulse to travel away from the cell body.

Write one word for the following:

Long thread-like part of the nerve cell.

Write one word for the following:

The kind of nerve carrying impulses from the brain to a gland or muscle.

Rearrange the following in correct sequence pertaining to what is given within brackets at the end.

Axon endings - Dendrites - Axon - Perikaryon - Dendron (Neuron structur)



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