List any four applications of tissue culture.
Applications of tissue culture :
(i) Rapid clonal propagation – an explant is used to produce numerous plants of same genotype,
(ii) From somaclonal variation, a number of useful varieties have been produced, e.g., Higher shelf life tomato,
(iii) Virus-free plants by using meristem culture,
(iv) Embryo which normally do not survive inside the seeds can be grown in tissue culture. Embryo rescue useful in interspecific hybridisation.
Describe the methodology of tissue culture.
Write the two limitations of traditional breeding technique that led to the promotion of micropropagation.
Why are the plants raised through micropropagation are termed as somaclones?
How are somatic hybrids obtained?
Mention two advantages of micro propagation.
Name the technique and the property of plant cells that can help to grow somaclones of certain desired varieties of apple. Explain how somaclones of apple can be obtained in the lab so as to get the desired variety on a large scale.
To get a disease-free plant from a virus infected plant, which one of the following can be used as an explant in tissue culture?
Can gamma rays used for crop improvement programmes prove to be harmful for health? Discuss.
What is protoplast fusion?
“Give me a living cell of any plant and I will give you a thousand plants of the same type” Is this only a slogan or is it scientifically possible? Write your comments and justify them.