Mention the contribution of Lorenzo Ghiberti in the field of sculpture.
The contribution of the mentioned sculptures is as follows:
Lorenzo Ghiberti: He was a famous Italian sculptor. He worked for 20 years to make two pairs of bronze doors for the Baptistery at Florence.
Who proved the theory of the Law of Gravitation?
Who discovered the Eastern Coast of Canada? What did it lead to?
The Renaissance was a period of great intellectual activity. Given an account of the outstanding works of the following writers: Shakespeare
Who is known as the Father of Humanism?
Mention the theory introduced by Copernicus.
Renaissance was a period of intellectual activity. In the context, write briefly on the impact of Renaissance on Science under the following heads:
Progress in medicine.
Name any two sources to reconstruct the Renaissance Period.
What do you understand by the term ‘Renaissance’?
The Renaissance was a period of great intellectual activity. Given an account of the outstanding work of the following writer:
The Renaissance was a period of great intellectual activity. Given an account of the outstanding work of the following writer:
Francis Bacon