Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary EducationHSC Commerce Class 11

Name any two direct expenses and indirect expenses. - Accountancy



Name any two direct expenses and indirect expenses.

Short Note


  1. Direct Expenses: Carriage inwards, Wages, Import Duty, and Royalty.
  2. Indirect Expenses: Office Expenses, Selling Expenses, Administrative Expenses.
Profit and Loss Account
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Chapter 12: Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors - 1 - Very short answer questions [Page 264]


Samacheer Kalvi Accountancy [English] Class 11 TN Board
Chapter 12 Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors - 1
Very short answer questions | Q II 5. | Page 264


State True or False with reasons:
Credit balance of Profit and Loss account shows net profit.

Fill in the blank :
Interest on Bank Loan is debited to _________  A/c

Prepare Profit and Loss Account of Sanjay Brothers for the year ended 31st March 2018 from the following balances.

1) Bank charges ₹ 22,000
2) Interest (Cr.) ₹ 16,000
3) Sundry expenses ₹ 42,000
4) Insurance ₹ 35,000
5) Salaries ₹ 40,000
6) Rates and Taxes ₹ 13,000
7) Postage ₹ 8,000
8) Advertisement ₹ 40,000
9) Rent paid ₹ 32,000
10) Bad debts ₹ 10,000
11) Commission (Cr) ₹ 17,500
12) Printing & Stationery ₹ 21,000
13) Loss by fire ₹ 18,000
14) Discount (Dr) ₹ 23,000
15) Discount (Cr) ₹ 37,000
16) Misc. Income ₹ 14,000
17) Depreciation ₹ 34,000
18) Carriage Outwards ₹ 60,000
19) Godown Expenses ₹ 40,000

Note: Gross Profit ₹ 4,07,500

Prepare Profit and Loss Account of Sanjay Brothers for the year ended 31st March, 2018 from the following balances.

1) Bank charges  ₹ 22,000
2) Interest (Cr.) ₹ 16,000
3) Sundry expenses ₹ 42,000
4) Insurance ₹ 35,000
5) Salaries ₹ 40,000
6) Rates and Taxes ₹ 13,000
7)  Postage ₹ 8,000
8) Advertisement ₹ 40,000
9) Rent paid ₹ 32,000
10) Bad debts ₹ 10,000
11)  Commission ₹ 17,500
12) Printing & Stationery ₹ 21,000
13) Loss by fire ₹ 18,000
14) Discount (Dr)  ₹ 23,000
15)  Discount (Cr) ₹ 37,000
16) Misc. Income ₹ 14,000
17) Depreciation  ₹ 34,000
18)  Carriage Outwards   ₹ 60,000
19) Godown Expenses  ₹ 40,000
Note: Gross Profit ₹ 4,07,500

Give a word, term or phrase which can substitute the following statement:

Account prepared to know Net Profit or Net Loss.

Give a word, term or phrase which can substitute the following statement:

Account prepared to know Net Profit or Net Loss.

Give a word, term or phrase which can substitute the following statement:

Account prepared to know Net Profit or Net Loss.

Give a word, term or phrase which can substitute in the following statement:

Account prepared to know Net Profit or Net Loss.

Prepare Profit and Loss Account of Sanjay Brothers for the year ended 31st March, 2018 from the following balances.

1) Bank charges ₹ 22,000
2) Interest (Cr.) ₹ 16,000
3) Sundry expenses ₹ 42,000
4) Insurance ₹ 35,000
5) Salaries ₹ 40,000
6) Rates and Taxes ₹ 13,000
7) Postage ₹ 8,000
8) Advertisement ₹ 40,000
9) Rent paid ₹ 32,000
10) Bad debts ₹ 10,000
11) Commission (Cr.) ₹ 17,500
12) Printing & Stationery ₹ 21,000
13) Loss by fire ₹ 18,000
14) Discount (Dr.) ₹ 23,000
15) Discount (Cr.) ₹ 37,000
16) Misc. Income ₹ 14,000
17) Depreciation ₹ 34,000
18) Carriage Outwards ₹ 60,000
19) Godown Expenses ₹ 40,000

Note: Gross Profit ₹ 4,07,500

Net profit/loss is transferred from ______.



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