Name the metals present in the following alloys
Stainless steel
Stainless steel— Iron, chromium, nickel
Give reasons for the following.
Immersion rods for heating liquids are made up of metallic substances.
Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of zinc with potassium hydroxide solution.
Write the balanced chemical equation to prepare ammonia gas in the laboratory by using an alkali.
Why is ammonia gas not collected over water?
For the electro-refining of copper: What is the cathode made up of?
What are metals? Name five metals.
The electronic configurations of three elements X, Y and Z are:
X : 2 | Y : 2, 8, 7 | Z : 2, 8, 2 |
Which of the following is correct regarding these elements?
(a) X is a metal
(b) Y is a metal
(c) Z is a non-metal
(d) Y is a non-metal and Z is a metal
Name a metal used in making electric cables
Name one metal which is a liquid at room temperature
What are metalloids: Give examples.
Two metals which are liquid at room temperature
Name two metals which react with cold water.
How many valence electrons are present in:
(i) metals and
Why do gold ornaments look new even after several years of use?
How are metals like sodium, potassium, and calcium obtained? Give equations.
Complete the statement given below, by filling in the blank with the correct word:
A non-metal which allows an electric current to pass through it ______.
Brass : Aluminium and zinc : : Bronze : ______
Identify who I am!
Amphoteric oxide forming metal- _______
Distinguish between:
Metals - Nonmetals (physical characteristics)
Compounds obtained from non–living sources are called ______.